Fifteen people are among those facing tickets for gatherings not following the current health orders.

The province says over the week of March 29 to April 4, including Easter. Twenty-three $1,296 tickets to individuals for various offences were issued, including fifteen of those for gathering at private residences.

Two people were ticketed for not wearing a mask inside indoor public spaces. 

One person was ticked under the federal quarantine act.

Forty-two warnings were given.

"Officials note that most Manitobans are doing their part to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and are following the fundamentals. However, education and enforcement remain necessary in some instances. The public is reminded that abusive and aggressive behaviour will not be tolerated, and criminal offences will be reported to the police and investigated," the province says in a statement.

Over the weekend, an aggressive situation broke out over mask-wearing inside a home improvement store.

The province says most interactions regarding the Pubic Health Orders are educational.

They say those reporting non-compliance can do so by calling 204-945-3744 or (toll-free) 1-866-626-4862 and pressing option three, or going online.

There are close to 3,300 people authorized to issue tickets for non-compliance with the Public Health Orders.