There's still more than half a month to take in Winnipeg's Flash Photography Festival.

Flash Photo Fest runs through October; this is the fourth year for the festival.

Communications director Rebecca Schroeder says the festival exists to promote the art of photography.

"Whether you are a trained professional or a hobbyist or just starting out, you can use photography to tell stories. So it's interesting to see what other people see, and it's interesting to see how that can impact the larger community around."

Schroeder says this year they're featuring all local photographers, but submissions are welcomed from around the world. She says, outside of photography, the festival doesn't have a theme.

"It's really whatever people can dream up. We have one photographer this year who photographed glass eyes; her work is at Barn Hammer."

Schroeder says next year will have a submission start date and closing date, though they aren't firmed up yet. She says the closing date will be beginning of August and the opening date will likely be the end of March.

The festival has many venues and events; for a full list, check