Friends of a Beausejour woman hurt in a vehicle collision this past weekend are raising money for her family through an online fundraiser, and in two days they've already passed their goal.

The GoFundMe campaign was created Monday with a goal of $15,000. As of this morning, more than $17,500 has been raised.

Michelle Szajewski is one of the people behind the fundraiser. She says the response has been overwhelming.

"I just get some kind of a warm feeling that, you know, there is love in this world and if we all work together we can sure make a difference."

44-year-old Collette Lindstrom was rushed to hospital in critical condition after being broadsided at the Perimeter and Dugald Road on Saturday afternoon.

Szajewski is thanking the emergency responders who helped Lindstrom.

"Thank you to the STARS and their staff, whoever was on the helicopter. To the RCMP, thank you for, you know, controlling traffic and the people, and all the emergency crews, whether it be fire or ambulance -- whoever helped and whoever was driving by that stopped to help. Everybody made a difference... and that's the truth."

The GoFundMe page can be found here.