Don't be scared, but beware, some of the music this weekend on The Wide World of Classical Music might send a chill up your spine! Think Mussorgsky, Orff, The Shining, Cape Fear and you will get the idea.  Check here for more if you dare! Wa ha ha ha ha ha ha.....! (That was supposed to be a scary laugh).

Put on your masks & makeup, get out the candy and tune in for a couple hours of Halloween and costume music. Although Halloween is not officially for a few more days, we are going to celebrate this weekend with some fun and freaky music. From hanting film scores to powerful choral music and intense orchestral pieces, you will be at the edge of your sets or hiding under your covers.


I have also programmed some opera music; epic classics; Montreal early music ensembles and more. Tune in to The Wide World of Classical Music, every Saturday noon - 6:00pm.