The Manitoba NDP party made two promises on Wednesday, announcing that if elected this fall, they would work on helping families convert their homes to geothermal energy and lift the PST off new rental builds to create more affordable housing and grow the economy.

“Geothermal energy has so many benefits, but Heather Stefanson has failed to tap into its potential,” said Adrien Sala, NDP candidate for St. James. “Our Affordable Home Energy program will save families money, grow our economy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.” 

Sala said the Manitoba NDP government would help 5,000 families switch to geothermal heating and cooling. He also said by hiring local contractors to install more geothermal systems, the NDP’s energy plan will create 1,000 clean energy jobs per year across the province.  

A little later in the day, NDP leader Wab Kinew took to the podium and announced, if elected, that he would lift the PST off new rental builds.

“I know interest rates are a big problem right now,” said Kinew “Young people are struggling to find homes they can afford. A Manitoba NDP government will kickstart the development of more homes in this time of high interest rates by removing the PST from new rental builds. It’s a direct incentive for builders. It will create good homes and good jobs for families across the province.”  

Kinew also laid out his party’s education commitments, including reducing class sizes and hiring more EAs. He also announced a new $8 million annual investment in the creative sector to support local artists, festivals, musicians and performing arts organizations with capital funding and grants. He also pledged to bring the tourism file back to the cabinet table with a dedicated minister.

 Advance polls open on Saturday, September 23, and election day is October 3.