Manitoba's newest specialty license plates are now available for purchase. 

The new MMIWG2S plates can be purchased at Autopac agents across the province with a portion of the proceeds going to support Ka Ni Kanichihk, a Winnipeg-based Indigenous-led organization that helps people through learning and healing programs grounded in traditional Indigenous knowledge and trauma-informed practices.

"It is very close to my heart and has impacted my own family deeply,” said Housing, Addictions and Homelessness Minister Bernadette Smith. “We wanted to make sure other Manitobans recognized the significant impact of the reality we face. Ka Ni Kanichihk has incredible programs that support families who have been impacted by the loss of missing and murdered loved ones. Supporting education is a priority for these families and for me. This will truly make a difference in our community.”

$30 from each specialty plate, which costs $70, will be donated to Ka Ni Kanichihk.

“This initiative not only raises awareness but also provides support to Ka Ni Kanichihk’s MMIWG2S programs towards education. Together, we drive change, honouring the lives of the missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls while supporting survivors and communities on the path to healing and justice,” said Dodie Jordaan, executive director, Ka Ni Kanichihk.

The specialty plates were created following the introduction of bill 204 by Smith, which received royal assent on May 30 and received unanimous support from all parties.  

“The pain and grief of the families of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls is felt every day across our province,” said Justice Minister Matt Wiebe. “These specialty plates are just one small way Manitobans can show solidarity and contribute to an important cause.”

Approximately $180,000 could be provided to Ka Ni Kanichihk by spring 2024 if all the 6,000 plates available are sold.