Rent is going up for some low-income Manitobans, both in private and public housing.

The province says tenants in Manitoba Housing using rent-geared-to-income will see rate increases. Public housing tenants who are paying 25 per cent of their income for a bachelor suite will now pay 28 per cent, and those living in larger units, who currently pay 27 per cent, will also go up to 28. This goes into effect July 1st for new tenants, and November 1st for people renewing.

Similarly, a couple weeks ago, rate increases were announced for low-income earners living on Rent Assist in private market units. These also will increase contribution rates to 28 per cent of a tenant's monthly income, and will take effect in July.

The changes in both cases will not affect people on EIA.

Josh Brandon with Make Povery History Manitoba says that will increase living costs by up to $60 for some people.

"Sixty dollars is a big chunk of their food budget, and it means that people will have to make choices about skipping meals, not paying bills, going without new clothes or going without a bus pass for the month. These are really difficult choices that low-income people are already having to make," he says.

The press secretary for Minister of Families Scott Fielding says Manitobans who need the most help will not be affected, and the income contribution rate remains one of the lowest in Canada and meets the affordability standard of 30 per cent set out by Canada Mortage and Housing Corporation.