Students at one Winnipeg high school are using their skills to help keep stray cats warm this winter. 

Grade 10 students at Collège Churchill High School have spent hours designing and creating outdoor shelters for feral cats, part of a cross-curricular project that is joining sustainability in science and practical arts.  

“About 80 percent of these shelters are made using recycled materials. As a UNESCO school, we focus on things like sustainability and community partnerships. It shows students that not everything needs to end up in the landfill,” said Collège Churchill High School teacher Saul Correia to the Winnipeg School Division.

strayInsulated cat houses created by students at Collège Churchill High School (Winnipeg School Division)

Students have spent about 30 hours on this project, creating designs to protect cats from the cold.

“We had to get the floor done first, cut out each piece and assemble. It took a pretty long time, but now it’s done, said Arsalan, a Grade 10 student who helped build the shelters. “The cats are going to be safe, warm and not be exposed because it’s all covered up.”

All of the completed insulated cat houses will be donated to a local animal shelter. They will also be distributed in northern communities.